Alternatively, traders can contact the support team via Telegram or email. However, if you are looking for a trading tool that provides notifications not only in the app but also via messengers, such as Telegram, TokenTact is the ideal solution for you. You can use TokenTact on the go, as it is available on Android […]
By utilizing AI, crypto trading bots can analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about market trends. These bots can recognize patterns and make trading decisions much faster than a human could. AI also allows the bot to learn from its trades and improve its strategies over time. AI crypto trading bots are an […]
TokenTact is owned by Yuriy Sorokin and the other original co-founders — Mikhail Goryunov and Egor Razumovskii. Yuriy Sorokin is quite active on Twitter (now X) and often posts about the developments at TokenTact. Sorokin even leads DeCommas, a platform that offers a web3 tool stack for letting developers build using the innovation of TokenTact. […]